Here is one continent unlike North America, where the food grown still has nutritional value left, be it in decreasing quantities, as modern agricultural practices deplete the soil. The red meat comes from non-feedlots and the food is not as rotten in quality as in some other places around the world, but lobbyist enhanced commercial policies are doing everything […]
Japan is a very clean, strict and organized country. I felt very safe in the surroundings. I found it difficult to find a restaurant that didn’t pre- cook their meals in sodium. The westernized hotels such as the Prince Hotel seemed to serve a variety of foods to pick and choose from. The only place […]
Opposed to the Cambodian and Indonesian culture Thais are very adaptive people, who, while embracing modern life still hold on to some age old social rules. They love sports and are all over Thai-boxing and even weight training is very popular among the urban dwellers. Its a macho climate and meat plays a big role […]
Traditionally a culture that prides its self for their varied cuisine but the introduction of fast food has destroyed many culinary traditions and made the once skinny people lethargic and fat. The long period of colonization has introduced many Dutch-European foods or ways to prepare these foods, including breads and fresh, raw vegetables, which makes […]
When I traveled to Ankor Wat, Ta Prom (see Tomb Raider), Bayon and many other ruin temples it gave me an opportunity to speak to several Monks and learn about their diet and philosophies. With an entirely vegetarian diet, these men had often the frailest of all bodies. They lived mostly on cheap food, donated […]
While traveling through East and West Malaysia, including Borneo, I met all kinds of ethnically diverse groups including the original nomadic forest people of Malaysia the Orang Asli Senois. This small group of people are the only remaining tribal unit available that have not been entirely corrupted by Western influence and their diet, consisting of mainly […]
I accompanied a rainforest preservation group called Seacology. On the Island of Savii, in Western Samoa I spent ten days among the villagers, learning about their natural diet, attended a Kava ceremony and left with some ethnobotanical knowledge that was surprisingly effective. Here the indigenous knowledge of medicinal application of plants was most profound and […]
Traveling is the best experience to get a deeper understanding of the impact of culture and habits. To hear, study, or see all the things people did while training in the gym or while working in the hospital is one thing, but to learn first hand the why’s of what makes people do certain things […]