Love Laughter Health & Beauty
Love Laughter
Health & Beauty
Hi, my name is Catherine Sanson, welcome to my site. The purpose of this website is to bring awareness to this world through my experiences and knowledge. The more I know, the more I will continue to share.
Are you finding it challenging to find the right choices to live a healthy and fit life? Are you living the life you want? Have you discovered your purpose in life?
What do you see yourself looking and feeling like in the next 5 or 10 years from now?
Most of you want to be flexible, mobile, energized, happy, healthy and fit.
But what are you willing to do about that now? Are you ready to wake up, take action and make the shift to a better healthy lifestyle?
Stop making excuses and begin now. Start making the changes to live a fit and healthy life. Your body is the most important vehicle you have so why are you not taking care of it?
As a Registered Nurse, International health and wellness advocate, mother, and fitness enthusiast, health and longevity are my first priorities. I believe it should be on every human beings top priority list. But as we all know, it isn’t. Society have put their homes, cars, careers and materialistic wants before their own health and well being. Most of the time its never thought of until disease hits them. Cancer, heart disease, Diabetes, obesity is on the rise globally because of this lack of awareness of self. Instead of spending billions of dollars on growing potatoes on Mars, we should be focusing on how to improve our drinking waters, oxygen in the air, how to sustain life on our planet Earth, how to combat climate changes, conserve our oceans and rainforests, create safer cities and strengthening global partnerships. Did you know that 1 out of every 4 deaths below the age of 5 worldwide is due to water related deaths because of not having clean water? Are you aware that many countries cannot breath fresh oxygen? New Delhi, India and Beijing, China and Cairo, Egypt are the top three countries with the worst air. Then, Santiago, Chile and Mexico City, Mexico.
Good health depends largely on awareness, choices and intention. It incorporates all the elements of the body, mind, spirit, cultural and the environment. We need to understand that food is medicine. Good Health is true wealth.
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